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Fire Alarms

Complete Fire protection solutions

When a fire breaks out, immediate alert and evacuation are vital. Blinding and toxic smoke spreads rapidly, even in the early stages. Every second counts for safety.

At Rhino Fire Control, our BAFE-certified technicians specialise in installing, and maintaining the top fire alarm systems across the UK. Our fire protection solutions cater to a wide range of industries, including food and drink production, education, medical, manufacturing, public utilities and power generation, catering facilities, port authorities, facilities management, and retail. Ensure your business is protected with our expert tailored fire alarm systems and services.


Tailored Solutions

Every Business is Different

We understand that every business is different and require a tailored fire alarm system. Fire alarm solutions differ from sector to sector. We can guide you through the process and make sure your business has the correct fire alarm whether it's a video fire detection or a waterproof fire alarm solution our vast experience gives you confidence you are speaking to the best team.

Fire Alarm Solutions

Fire Alarm Technology

All fire alarms provide an audible warning so staff and customers can take immediate action to escape the premises. However, our modern fire alarm systems also provide fire wardens, managers and Fire and Rescue personnel with crucial information about the location and extent of a fire. With this information it enables informed decisions on how best to tackle the blaze and protect your business and staff. Our comprehensive fire alarm systems across the UK include:

Video fire detection | Wireless Fire Detection | Remote Fire Alarm Control | Touchscreen Mapping Tool
Fire Alarm Paging Systems | Aspirating Smoke Detection | Waterproof Fire Detection

With full access to the latest cutting-edge fire alarm technology,
our specialists can design a system that offers maximum protection for your business.

Choosing the right fire detector for your business


Fire Detectors

Understanding the differences between fire detectors can help you choose the right protection for your business.

Fire detectors are a crucial component of the fire alarm system. They are the key elements that detect fires initially, enabling your staff and customers to evacuate the building safely and promptly.

There are four types of detectors: smoke, heat, flame, and beam detectors. Here is a brief description to help you determine which is best for your business.

Smoke detectors are among the most recognised fire detection systems. They fall into three main categories: photoelectric, ionization, and dual sensor detectors.

Ionisation Smoke Detectors: Ideal for detecting active flaming fires, ionisation detectors respond slightly faster than photoelectric models. However, they may not provide sufficient warning for smouldering fires.

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: These detectors use a light source aimed away from the sensor in a chamber. When smoke enters, it reflects the light onto the sensor, triggering the alarm, making them effective for detecting smouldering fires.

Dual Sensor Smoke Detectors: For optimal protection, dual sensor detectors are recommended. They combine both ionisation and photoelectric technologies, ensuring reliable detection of both flaming and smouldering fires.

A flame detector detects the presence of a flame by responding to the overall radiation produced by an emerging fire. Despite the name, these detectors can also identify smokeless flammable liquids and early-stage fires that may not yet show visible flames. Flame detectors are designed to detect other light waves, such as ultraviolet and infrared, which are typically emitted from flames.

Flame detectors are extensively used in production plants due to their quick response time, averaging less than one second. They can be integrated with various fire alarms and fire suppression systems to provide an immediate response if an emerging blaze is detected.

In environments like restaurant kitchens and food manufacturing plants, it’s crucial to prevent accidental activation of fire suppression systems and alarms due to normal heat or smoke. Heat detectors accurately monitor the rate of temperature increase in a room and activate fire prevention measures only when it exceeds a defined safe level.

This ensures that harmless processes, such as cooking, doesn't trigger false alarms, while significant temperature increases indicative of a fire are quickly detected.

Beam detectors use infrared technology to detect smoke in a room. The system projects a beam of light from a transceiver unit to a reflector on the opposite side of the room, which then returns the beam to the transceiver. Under normal conditions, the infrared beam is reflected clearly. However, when smoke particles are present, they obstruct the beam and decrease the light signal. This reduction in the signal triggers the alarm, alerting occupants to the presence of smoke and potential fire.

Beam detectors are particularly effective in large open spaces, such as warehouses and auditoriums, where traditional smoke detectors may not be as efficient.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Have Question? We are here to help

What makes Rhino Fire Control the best fire alarm solution partner?

At Rhino Fire Control, we understand that fire protection should never be left in the hands of the unqualified or inexperienced.

We’ll work in partnership with you to assess your business’s needs and ensure that you’re provided with fire alarm solutions that offer the highest standard of protection.

Our expertise in fire alarm design, installation, commissioning, and maintenance ensures that your business benefits from a professional and trustworthy end-to-end solution, underpinned by our BAFE SP203-1 certification so that your premises are safe and legal.

At Rhino Fire Control, our fire alarm installations are:

  • Fully customised to the legal and insurance requirements of your business.
  • Tailored to your business’s unique needs.
  • Installed within minimal disruption to your daily routines.
How often should a fire alarm system be assessed?

All fire alarm systems require bi-annual assessments as a minimum, to ensure they are in fully operational condition. The early identification of faults is crucial to ensure prompt repair and prevent the fire alarm system from failing when it is most needed.

Whether Rhino Fire Control or another provider has installed your fire alarms, we can provide high-quality maintenance, including full component testing. We’ll also provide the necessary documentation to ensure you can prove your business’s compliance with legal requirements while staying abreast of the maintenance schedule.

What are the impacts on our business with continuing false fire alarms?

False alarms not only disrupt operations but also incur substantial financial costs, amounting to approximately £1 billion annually in the UK. Building owners may face fines for repeated false alarms as emergency services may need to attend multiple times, draining limited resources that could be better allocated elsewhere.



The mismanagement of fire alarm systems has various financial implications, including:


  • Decreased productivity: False fire alarms trigger staff evacuations and equipment shutdowns which can adversely impact productivity. Every lost minute can shrink profits and prevent customers from being able to contact your business.
  • FRS charges: Some Fire and Rescue Services levy charges for attending false emergency alarms, particularly if these occur repeatedly. One UK FRS charges nearly £394 per hour for each callout (where one emergency vehicle and four staff attend); larger premises could incur higher costs.
  • Increased insurance premiums: Frequent false fire alarms can lead to higher business insurance premiums due to a perceived higher risk of fire.

Read more here

What Type Of Fire Alarm Do I Need For My Commercial Building?

Fire alarms are all designed to give the occupants of a building early warning of a fire so that they can evacuate safely, but there are several types of commercial fire alarms available that each detect heat or smoke particles in slightly different ways. To decide which variety of fire alarms to use in your business premises, it pays to know the basics of these sensors’ functionality and the kinds of fires they are designed to detect

Here you can read our comprehensive guide for commercial fire alarm systems.

What issues surround fire alarms in an industrial environments?

Industrial facilities play a critical role in the UK’s economy, covering a range of sectors including manufacturing, chemical processing, metal fabrication, and waste disposal. The fire risks in industrial facilities contrasts sharply with those in commercial or residential buildings, so fire alarm installation must accommodate the unique challenges of these environments to deliver effective and reliable protection.

For more information to help you understand challenges within an industrial environment on fire protection you can read this article

What are the current regulations in regard to fire alarm installation and maintenance?

Fire alarm installation and maintenance is one of the most effective and cost-efficient measures you can implement to protect against the dangers of fire, and ensures you meet your legal obligations under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which stipulates the minimum standards to which premises must adhere.

To read the full article please visit here

Contact Rhino Fire Controls

To speak to our highly knowledgeable team regarding your fire alarm solution contact us today and we will be able to guide you in the right fire protection for your business.

Why Rhino Fire Control? we offer a peace of mind policy with Platinum Protect. Let's create a partnership that protects your people and your business.