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CCTV, alarms, door controls, analytics, control systems

At Rhino Fire Control, we design and install effective integrated security solutions that keep unwanted visitors out, giving you complete control over who enters your premises.

While fire poses a clear and present danger to your business, it’s not the only threat.

Sadly, burglaries, robberies, and vandalism are on the rise, so a proactive approach to protecting your business’s most valuable assets is a compelling and worthwhile investment. Whatever security systems you require for your business, Rhino can help.

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Door access controls

Our door access controls feature the latest technology to restrict access to sensitive areas of your premises or the entire site, depending on the specific needs of your business, while granting easy access to authorised staff and visitors.

Our door access solutions include electronic locks, programmable swipe cards, biometric locks and door magnets so that your staff and authorised visitors can gain rapid access to restricted areas. Integrated logs can maintain an accurate up-to-the-second record of every person who has entered your premises, while unauthorised visitors are kept out.


The watchful eyes of high-definition CCTV are a valuable tool in the fight against crime, and the presence of CCTV hardware is often enough to deter opportunistic thieves and vandals. This increases the overall security of your premises as potential criminals will be discouraged to commit the crimes before targeting your premises.

Not only will these provide your security staff with a real-time view of key areas on your site, so prompt action can be taken in the event of a crime, but CCTV will also provide the police with vital evidence should it be required to initiate criminal proceedings against perpetrators.

CCTV is particularly useful to monitor more remote areas of your site and, when combined with door access controls, can improve your security team’s visibility of who is entering and leaving the premises.

The relationship between GDPR and CCTV footage is crucial to be aware of and you should be careful that you are using CCTV in a way that complies with the GDPR. Therefore, people need to know they are being recorded or CCTV is in operation. Additionally, you must clearly state you are using CCTV and control those who have access to the CCTV.

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Intruder alarms

Intruder alarms alert security staff, employees, and the police to an attempted break-in, and deter would-be criminals from attempting to gain access to your property.

Our bespoke intruder alarms are designed to meet the unique needs of your business, combining audible alarms with messaged alerts to the police, security team, and designated individuals. Our security solutions deliver peace of mind so you can be confident your valuable assets are safe when your business is closed.

ANPR - automated Number Plate Recognition

Criminals don’t just arrive on foot in the dead of night. They will often carry out visits by car to plan their attacks against a business, so an effective way to identify and record vehicle registration information is crucial to frustrate their efforts and stay ahead of the game.

ANPR can be used in combination with perimeter barriers to restrict access to your premises so that only those employees and visitors who are authorised are permitted to enter.

With ANPR technology, your security team can also maintain an accurate log of visitors to your site, identifying unusual patterns in behaviour or alerting staff to the arrival of a known suspect.

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Robust security measures from Rhino Fire Control

If you’re looking for effective ways to beef up your business’s security, Rhino Fire Control delivers a robust and reliable end-to-end solution.

Our experienced and expertly trained team handle every aspect of security, from design and installation to service and maintenance, ensuring your business’s assets are protected 24/7, and facilitating a rapid response if a criminal attack is initiated against your organisation. Call us today to find out more.


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