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Why Food Manufacturers Can Save Millions In Prevented Downtime With Fire Suppression Systems

For every food manufacturing company, productivity and output are key metrics that underpin business success. Many food products are manufactured to tight timescales, with any deviation from mixing, baking, or setting times liable to cause them to fail quality assurance checks. For these businesses, downtime can be devastating, accounting for up to 20 per cent of working time - far more than a minor delay or interruption to manufacturing processes. During periods of downtime, staff need to be paid, equipment idles, and ingredients degrade, all of which conspire to impact heavily on profits and business viability.


As well as posing an immediate danger to property and personnel, fire can result in extended downtime, halting production lines and disrupting supply chains. However, with the implementation of robust fire suppression systems, food manufacturers stand to save millions by protecting their operations and reducing unplanned interruptions to production. In this article, we’ll explain how.



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Proactive Protection Against Devasting Fires


Firstly, fire suppression systems provide proactive protection against the outbreak and spread of fires. By detecting and extinguishing fires in their early stages, these systems can prevent small incidents from escalating into destructive infernos. For food manufacturers, who often use highly flammable materials and processes, such pre-emptive measures are invaluable. A swift response to a potential fire can mean the difference between a minor disruption and a catastrophic event that brings operations to a standstill.


Reducing Lost Revenues


The financial implications of downtime in the food manufacturing industry cannot be overstated. According to research, manufacturers lose approximately £180bn every year as a result of downtime, with every minute of stalled production translating to lost revenue, increased labour costs, and penalties for failing to meet supply obligations. Unlike equipment breakdown, which can often be quickly resolved, the downtime that arises from a fire can stretch from hours to days or even weeks, depending on the extent of the damage and the time required for repairs and inspections. The cumulative impact of such disruptions can amount to millions in lost income and damage to brand reputation.


A Commitment To Safety


By investing in fire suppression systems, food manufacturers not only reduce the risk of unscheduled downtime but also demonstrate their commitment to safety and compliance. Regulatory bodies, such as the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), impose strict standards on fire safety in industrial settings; failure to adhere to these can result in fines and reputational damage. A comprehensive fire suppression system not only helps food manufacturers to meet regulatory requirements but also instils confidence among stakeholders, including employees, investors, and insurers.


Futureproofing The Business


Finally, while immediate cost savings are an important advantage of fire suppression systems, other benefits are on offer. With effective means to extinguish fires as soon as they break out, food manufacturers can achieve greater operational resilience and business continuity, allowing them to maintain productivity and meet market demands even when faced with unforeseen challenges. In a competitive industry in which margins are tight, the ability to quickly recover from setbacks can be a decisive factor in long-term success.


Find Out More

For more information about our fire suppression systems for the food manufacturing industry, please book a free online consultation with one of our experts.



Image Source: Canva